What an exciting moment when you hold this precious little thing in your arms. So small, so innocent and looks a little like you.
A newborn baby is a blessing and a gift that not everyone is trusted with. You have been chosen to raise this human being to the best of your abitities.
With this gift comes a lot of responsibilities, tears, fear, and self loss. No one tells you how difficult it is to raise a baby. Especially those first few moments you spend together, although it is beautiful and nothing compares, it is also the most challenging thing ever. You can not be taught how to raise this baby because you are unique and so is he/she.
Except this and do not feel that you have to be like all the others you see.
The first time I saw my son I felt unsure and fearful of this little person given to me. What must I do, should I kiss him, should I hug him or should I hold his hand. We have been brainwashed as to how we suppose to react towards own babies. It is not so simple. Infact these perceptions actually makes it more difficult. I felt like he was a little alien and the love was not there from day one. This sounds harsh but I am sure I am not the only one. Just act naturally because your little one is just as scared as you are.
He has been inside a safe and secure place for 10 months and now is faced with this big, bad, busy world. He does not understand and needs you to help him adjust whilst your adjusting yourself. Sounds difficult? That is just the beginning for mommies because this is how you life will be from now on. Everything you have to do will be taking care of you and another person.
Your life change so much. You have to get use to pushing your own needs aside for a while so that you can help your little one adjust. He will cry a lot if you do not do this, resulting in chaos. Be there for him/her and allow nature to take its course.
I remember the second night in the hospital where they leave the baby with you for the night. He would not stop crying and around 12h00am I asked the nurses to take him away. I was in pain with the ceasarian and could not take it anymore. Also feeling embarrassed that I can not get my baby to settle down. I felt horrible. When they came to take him to the nursery, I could hear him crying and that made me feel even worse. How could I abandom him like that, I am his mother. I cried the night away. That showed me that there is an instant bond that maybe is not seen at first but exists deep inside of you. As time goes on, you will discover this bond more and it will rise inside of you.
For now take it easy and remember that you are not alone. I use to imagine that there are so many mommies faced with the same challenges as I was at the exact moment.
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